Text Analysis Resources
Bird, Klein, & Loper, Natural Language Processing with Python
Jurafsky & Martin, Speech and Language Processing
Salganik, M. Bit By Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age
Silge & Robins, Text Mining with R
Chris Bail, Text as Data
Introduction to Text Analysis in R (DataCamp; paid)
Structural Topic Models (vignette has several example analyses)
List of free/public domain datasets
Denny, M.J. & Spirling, A. (2018). Text Preprocessing for Unsupervised Learning: Why it Matters, When it Misleads, And What To Do About It. Political Analysis, 26(2), 168-189.
Gentzkow, M., Kelly, B. & Taddy, M. (2019). Text as Data. Journal of Economic Literature, 57(3), 535-574. https://doi.org/10.1257/jel.20181020
Iliev, R., Dehghani, M. & Sagi, E. (2014). Automated text analysis in psychology: methods, applications, and future developments. Language and Cognition, 7(2), 265-290.
Turney, P.D., & Pantel, P. (2010). From Frequency to Meaning: Vector Space Models of Semantics, 37, 141-188.
Wilkerson, J., & Casas, A. (2017). Large-Scale Computational Text Analysis in Political Science: Opportunities and Challenges. Annual Review of Political Science, 20, 529-544.